Last thing I’ve done before it will go for final touches was applying runefang stell from Citadel to expose metal in different areas.
I’ve also used Iron Oxide powder (for the first time in my life 😉 No i don’t have bottle large like this 😉 ) and I really like effects. Try them and pick one you like and use it. I’ve done a bit of everything except salt if you will be interested I’ll may do some HowTo about it in the future. Like I mentioned above there’s lot of different ways of chipping, you can use dry brushes, paint with a thin hairy stick, use coarse salt, sourer, sponge etc. Let it dry and you’re ready for next step. This process spawned one of the larger armored vehicle enigmas to come out of the War.
The Germans frequently made upgrades and modifications to fit their needs. The same was true during the invasion of the Soviet Union. I’m usually applying two layers of hair spray to feel more secure.Īfter hair spray layers dried I’ve painted my tower with Citadel Castellan green paint. Throughout the Second World War, the German Army captured hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles from countries it invaded. PanzerKampfwagen KV-1B 756(r) PanzerKampfwagen KV-1B 756(r), 204th Panzer Regiment, 22nd PanzerDivision, Kursk, summer 1943. If you will go for chipping by washing main colour and exposing colours underneath it, hairspray is a must otherwise you will dissolve all layers of paint and believe me you will not be happy with effects.